Helton Nogueira Uchôa (OpenGEO) | |
Maurício Carvalho Mathias de Paulo (OpenGEO) | |
Luiz Carlos Teixeira Coelho Filho (OpenGEO/UERJ) | |
Paulo Roberto Ferreira (UFRJ) |
This paper describes the first steps taken in order to create an Open Source project that enables MapServer to display 3D objects (and in the near future, perform analysis on them) on the web. 3D objects are exported to a viewer (integrated to the browser) in the X3D format, which is the preferred format for displaying 3D objects, according to the World Wide Web Consortium. In this paper, the first results related to the development of this solution are shown, as well as the basic procedures in order to prepare a 3D database to be fit within Open3DGIS/' specifications.