Open Source Software on Web-Based Education (WSL 2003)

Arnaldo J. Bastanzo (UNR)
Alejandro C. Rodriguez Costello (UNR)
Diego A. Bottallo (UNR)
Federico Wiecko (UNR)
Fernando A. Villar (UNR)

This paper describes the experience in the ILIAS open source GPL license e-learning framework, developed by the University of Cologne, Germany. This work consists of two fundamental levels. First, we have evaluated it as on-line course teaching tool (Extranet Solution) and as a complement to the attendance courses of the University Systems Analysts career (Analista Universitario en Sistemas) - (Intranet Solution). Then, we have made a verification of portability of the environment under Intel and Sun Sparc architectures, using Linux and Solaris OS, and the analysis of the development of an automatic installation tool.

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