The Computerized Classroom and Free Software (WSL 2002)

Héber Godoy (Universidad Católica Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga)
Manuel Perez (Colegio del Sagrado Corazón (ex Seminario))
Rodolfo Pilas (Grupo de Usuarios Linux del Uruguay (UYLUG))

This document's target is to open a discussion area with teachers and teach- ing coordinators, about the computers usage in educative areas. From a concrete seven-year-work experience on an institution with 2000 students (Colegio Seminario - Montevideo Uruguay), using computer science or a tool in favor of other subject’s teaching, it will be explained in workshop two main topics: what the computer tool is; and the reason of the construction of this tool based on free software. It is also about the problems found in this area to migrate from proprietary software to free software.

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